Friday, April 26, 2013

following in footsteps

Well I think it is safe to say I tried to jump on the blogging band wagon way to early on.  I obviously was not prepared to start since I let almost 2 years go by since I added another post. I remember when I read my sisters comment on how she was excited to be an avid follower I thought to myself " oh great, now I have to keep it up to date" Mostly because it drives me nuts when I am sitting at work on a really quiet day and realize that I haven't checked hers in a while and once I pull it up I realize... hey, SHE hasn't posted anything recently. When you enjoy reading someones blog, its sad to see nothing new for a while. I also totally adore her two beautiful little girls and love hearing hilarious stories about them over and over again. 

 The "Boss Lady" and I at the dog park by her house. She doesn't really care for her nick name of boss lady but I get to be called "Trollster" on her blog so I think it is only fair.. right? :)

I envy my sisters dedication to keeping her blog fun, witty, entertaining and full of love for everyone in her life and her beautiful little family. So as summer 2013 approaches I am making it a goal to keep this blog up to date. Recording my weekly activities, exciting adventures I go on with friends or family and making sure I share my memories with others.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

All About Me!

Well I guess my first post should be all about myself right? I will give you a basics... Move to Calgary from Ottawa over 2 years ago to be closer to my sisters and niece that was on the way. Now I have two nieces! I live in a duplex with 4 good girlfriends, we have the most outrageous fun times together and throw the sweetest parties! :) So you will have to keep checking back to see read about all the rad things that go on in the life of ASmith.